Daniel Schacter has published "The Seven Sins of Memory" which cause people to forget things.
- Transience
- Forgetting over time
- Forgetting what to get at the store
- To avoid it:
- Use visual images
- Logos play into this
- Absent mindedness
- Forgetting something usually because of divided attention, which prohibits us from encoding the information correctly
- Where did I put my keys?
- To avoid it:
- Sufficient information
- Timers
- got milk? reminds consumers to pick up milk on their way home
- Blocking
- "It's on the tip of my tongue!"
- While logos help with transience, sometimes we can't remember what company something stands for in the same moment we see a logo.
- Misattribution
- Remembering something that never happened
- Most consumers thought that Nike was the partner of the Beijing Olympics, when it was actually Adidas.
- Suggestibility
- Incorporating information from other sources into personal recollections
- Eyewitness reports in investigations
- Bias
- Misremember something as being different than what it really was
- Can also be seen as hindsight
- Persistence
- Highly emotional events are difficult to forget
- Associate an airline with a crash
Murray, Bridget. "The seven sins of memory." Monitor 34.9 (2003): 28. Web. 31 Oct 2010. <http://www.apa.org/monitor/oct03/sins.aspx>.
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